New direct/intimate Brand-user relationships!
As we wrote here: Why ConsentPlace? For Ethic, Trusted, Direct brand-user relationships! Those relationships are 100% ethic without any cookie tricks, 100% Trusted with 100% of Explicit Consents, we had to upgrade our user experience with a model everyone is now familiar with: a direct conversation.
We’ve added Ai to make your onboarding (and much more) ultra smooth and frictionless. No more dropdown, no more lists to read: simply enter with your words, your style, in 2 or 3 sentences what interests you… and our AI will understand you and automatically classify your interests so Brands will be able to provide the most interesting content for you!
Example: Describing your interests as “Cook, trying molecular gastronomy recipes. Inspired by Heston Blumenthal.” will be in your profile so you can edit it as anytime and this version will put you in the following IAB classifications: “Food & Drink“, “Lifestyle”, “Entertainment”
100% customizable.
100% direct.
ConsentPlace is about CustTech (Customer Technology) and CustTech is about loyalty (more here).
ConsentPlace offers consentization programs for Brands (ask us about those)
By offering a total customization, we can adjust to Brand focus, language/wording and engage in a conversation.
We have consentization programs for inactive databases, in-page engagements and CMPs like this example for publishers:

Ready to give it a shot?
Simply click here:
Yes, you can create an account or find your existing account and yes changes will be saved.
At one point, this version will replace the current one and become the new so your bookmarks will continue to work.
Tell us what you think!