More Consent makes ConvoBoxes become ConsentBoxes.

More AI means More Consent! Last week, we shared our AI: ConsentPlace’s AI: Revolutionizing Brand-User Interactions. Yes, we still keep on adding great new features on our AI to build direct, solid and trustworthy relationships between a Brand and its Users. But the more intimate the relation becomes, the more the Explicit Consent must expressed… Continue reading More Consent makes ConvoBoxes become ConsentBoxes.

Introducing the brand new, conversational, AI-Powered ConsentPlace!

New direct/intimate Brand-user relationships! As we wrote here: Why ConsentPlace? For Ethic, Trusted, Direct brand-user relationships! Those relationships are 100% ethic without any cookie tricks, 100% Trusted with 100% of Explicit Consents, we had to upgrade our user experience with a model everyone is now familiar with: a direct conversation. AI-Powered. We’ve added Ai to… Continue reading Introducing the brand new, conversational, AI-Powered ConsentPlace!

Explicit Consents R Us!

Explicit Consents are Us! Why it matters?A direct, ethic, transparent user-brand relation. As a user: You define and control your Consent with your name and email, and your interests, to get what matters to you and set the reward you desire for a Brand to rent your data for 60 days. When a brand selects… Continue reading Explicit Consents R Us!

Why ConsentPlace matters for Brands.

Explicit Consent is the best practice. Now. Laws and regulations regarding data protection and privacy, such as the GDPR in the European Union, the CCPA in California, and others around the world, often require explicit consent for certain types of data processing activities, including marketing. Adhering to these requirements can help avoid significant fines and… Continue reading Why ConsentPlace matters for Brands.

ConsentPlace’s Media Week.

Just once, we wanted to share 2 moments from last week for ConsentPlace in the media. BFMTV Tech&Co Click on the screen or here to watch this interview (French subtitled in English) Summary of this interview (Credits ChatGPT): In this interview, Freddy Mini, President and co-founder of ConsentPlace, discusses his latest entrepreneurial venture. With a… Continue reading ConsentPlace’s Media Week.

What is the concept of “data as labor”?

From time to time, we’ll ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post. Me: [prompt] What is the concept of “data as labor”? ChatGPT: [unedited answer]The concept of “data as labor” is an idea that suggests individuals should be compensated for the data they generate and share with… Continue reading What is the concept of “data as labor”?

ChatGPT: “Will Explicit Consent become a worldwide best practice for marketers?”

From time to time, we ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? and Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology? Me: [prompt]“Will explicit consent become a worldwide best practice for marketers?” ChatGPT: [non… Continue reading ChatGPT: “Will Explicit Consent become a worldwide best practice for marketers?”

Why Customer Consent Matters: The Importance of Respecting Privacy Rights

As individuals, we all have the right to privacy and control over our personal information. In today’s digital age, where companies collect vast amounts of data, it’s more important than ever to ensure that customer consent is obtained before using personal information. Here are some reasons why customer consent matters: Legality. Obtaining customer consent is… Continue reading Why Customer Consent Matters: The Importance of Respecting Privacy Rights

ChatGPT: “Where is the best ROI between implicit and explicit marketing consent?”

From time to time, we ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? and Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology? Me: [prompt]“Where is the best ROI between implicit and explicit marketing consent?” ChatGPT:… Continue reading ChatGPT: “Where is the best ROI between implicit and explicit marketing consent?”

ChatGPT prompt: Why is ConsentPlace often referred to as “the Airbnb of consent”?

From time to time, we’ll ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology?As a business should I worry about sending emails to people without their explicit… Continue reading ChatGPT prompt: Why is ConsentPlace often referred to as “the Airbnb of consent”?