Gauge how your data are used on a website.

This illustration from Tom Fishburne is perfect to gauge how your data are used on the internet and what level of your consent is involved. Zero Party Data. Your Explicit Consent. You’re in control. In this first screen, you gave the brand selling gym shoes your explicit consent to use your data, for example via… Continue reading Gauge how your data are used on a website.

Introducing the brand new, conversational, AI-Powered ConsentPlace!

New direct/intimate Brand-user relationships! As we wrote here: Why ConsentPlace? For Ethic, Trusted, Direct brand-user relationships! Those relationships are 100% ethic without any cookie tricks, 100% Trusted with 100% of Explicit Consents, we had to upgrade our user experience with a model everyone is now familiar with: a direct conversation. AI-Powered. We’ve added Ai to… Continue reading Introducing the brand new, conversational, AI-Powered ConsentPlace!

Elections and privacy laws.

France and the United States are experiencing or will experience important elections. We asked ChatGPT to enlighten us on the possible consequences on personal data privacy laws: Prompt: “What could be the impact of a victory for the RN or the Popular Front on confidentiality laws in France?” ChatGPT (simple Copy-Paste. No modification by ConsentPlace):… Continue reading Elections and privacy laws.

Explicit Consents R Us!

Explicit Consents are Us! Why it matters?A direct, ethic, transparent user-brand relation. As a user: You define and control your Consent with your name and email, and your interests, to get what matters to you and set the reward you desire for a Brand to rent your data for 60 days. When a brand selects… Continue reading Explicit Consents R Us!

The Importance of Explicit Consent: Building Strong Relationships in an Ethical World.

In a world where data and personal information have become valuable assets, customer consent has become one of the fundamental pillars of any ethical business relationship. Respecting customer consent is much more than just a legal formality; it is a commitment to transparency, respect, and mutual trust. In this blog post, we will explore the… Continue reading The Importance of Explicit Consent: Building Strong Relationships in an Ethical World.

ConsentPlace CoPilot.

Did you try ConsentPlace CoPilot? ConsentPlace CoPilot (requires ChatGPT v4) is here! It’s made of all content on and .fr plus relevant related contents on explicit consent. Feel free to ask any questions, even in another language, like here for an answer in Spanish for “what is ConsentPlace and is it safe for me… Continue reading ConsentPlace CoPilot.

Evolution of the need for Explicit Consent in the USA

Evolution over the past 12 months in the USA Over the past 12 months in the USA, the need for explicit consent in data protection has been significantly influenced by the enactment and updates of state-specific privacy laws, reflecting a growing emphasis on consumer rights and corporate responsibilities. Several states have taken notable steps to… Continue reading Evolution of the need for Explicit Consent in the USA

ConsentPlace: Top 3 Posts for Users and Brands.

Looking for a quick summary of the Top 3 Posts for Users and Brands to use ConsentPlace? Here they are: For Users: Post #1. The First Consent Marketplace. Summary: This post discusses the vital need for explicit internet consent, revealing: This approach addresses consent issues by empowering users and providing a transparent exchange mechanism for… Continue reading ConsentPlace: Top 3 Posts for Users and Brands.

Explicit Consents: The New Opportunity for Drive-to-Store!

By Jean-Pierre Levieux, Go-to-Market, France Explicit Consent for Personal Data Sharing: A New Opportunity for Drive-to-Store? If personal data has become a virtual currency, the consent to share this data for explicit purposes takes on crucial importance. What if, instead of consenting to be tracked in exchange for simple content access, your consent was rewarded… Continue reading Explicit Consents: The New Opportunity for Drive-to-Store!