Explicit Consents: The New Opportunity for Drive-to-Store!

By Jean-Pierre Levieux, Go-to-Market, France

Explicit Consent for Personal Data Sharing:
A New Opportunity for Drive-to-Store?

If personal data has become a virtual currency, the consent to share this data for explicit purposes takes on crucial importance.

What if, instead of consenting to be tracked in exchange for simple content access, your consent was rewarded with a gift card redeemable in-store or on an e-commerce site? This practice allows brands to link their communication efforts to entry into a commercial space, whether online or not, and to follow the transformation into purchasing actions.

All with an ethical, responsible, and valorizing approach to data collection.

Challenges of Personal Data Sharing Consent:

In the digital world, companies are constantly seeking to collect personal data to better understand their customers, personalize their offers, and optimize their marketing campaigns to fuel their business. However, the collection of such data raises very serious privacy and consent issues.

Numerous laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe or the CCPA, for example, in the United States, now require explicit consent for the collection and use of this information.

The end of third-party cookies raises a key question:

How to Reconcile Data from Advertising Campaigns with Direct Marketing and Commerce Data?

Faced with this consent requirement, some have developed strategies to encourage consumers to share their personal data. One such strategy involves offering incentives, such as gift cards, in exchange for consent to share information. This model provides consumers with a tangible incentive to agree to the collection of their data, thus turning consent into a two-way transaction. Firstly, activating a gift card in commerce transparently registers the prospect as a brand’s customer, who shares explicit consent of personal, interest, and consumption data. Secondly, the consumer benefits from an enhanced value experience of personalization through the explicit sharing of personal data and interests, thereby creating the opportunity for a dialogue with the brand.

The Challenges and Opportunities

While the idea of rewarding data sharing consent is attractive to both consumers and businesses, it legitimately raises specific ethical and privacy needs. It is crucial for companies to ensure transparency and security of the collected personal data, not to use it beyond the purposes stated in the consent process, while respecting consumer rights including their right to be forgotten.

Because the exchange of personal data for rewards is not limited to the digital space. It also has a significant impact on drive-to-store, a marketing strategy aimed at attracting customers into physical stores from online interactions. By using shared data, companies can customize their offers and promotions to encourage consumers to visit their physical outlets, while simultaneously personalizing the in-store or e-commerce site experience.

Because it’s Your Explicit Consent, you should be able to manage it as you wish.

Because these are Your Personal Data, you should be able to update them as you wish.

For all these reasons, we created ConsentPlace, where your account lets you retain control of your data and your consents.

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