The First Consent Marketplace.

The Problem:Internet needs Consent. Internet needs Advertising… Advertising needs Context… Context needs to respect Consent. Bottom line: Internet needs (Explicit) Consent! What People say about Consent: (source) The Solution:Own and Monetize Your Consent. The Value:Traditional Cost per Lead Average Cost per Lead is $198… and with Explicit Consent?(source) The Model:A Consent Marketplace. Everybody wins. The Process:On… Continue reading The First Consent Marketplace.

Choosing Stripe as the Payment Platform: A Strategic Decision for ConsentPlace

By Jeremy Meissner, Lead Dev. At ConsentPlace, selecting a payment system was a crucial step, and we sought a platform that was not just secure and scalable, but also aligned with our principles. Ultimately, Stripe emerged as our preferred choice. Here’s a look into why Stripe resonated with us, exemplifying our commitment to innovation, security,… Continue reading Choosing Stripe as the Payment Platform: A Strategic Decision for ConsentPlace