Building Trust in a Privacy-Centric World: The Role of Consent in User Engagement.

In today’s digital landscape, trust has become the cornerstone of successful brand-user relationships. With data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA reshaping the way brands interact with their audiences, the days of vague opt-ins and intrusive data collection are behind us. Users demand transparency, and they expect brands to respect their choices. At the heart… Continue reading Building Trust in a Privacy-Centric World: The Role of Consent in User Engagement.

The ConsentBox – Behind the Scenes

At ConsentPlace, we’re reshaping how brands connect with their users. At the heart of this transformation is the ConsentBox — a simple, embeddable and indispensable component designed to foster long-term, meaningful conversations. What sets ConsentBox apart? It’s way more than just a widget; it’s a trust-building tool. Transparent, engaging, and user-centric, it ensures that Consent… Continue reading The ConsentBox – Behind the Scenes

More Consent makes ConvoBoxes become ConsentBoxes.

More AI means More Consent! Last week, we shared our AI: ConsentPlace’s AI: Revolutionizing Brand-User Interactions. Yes, we still keep on adding great new features on our AI to build direct, solid and trustworthy relationships between a Brand and its Users. But the more intimate the relation becomes, the more the Explicit Consent must expressed… Continue reading More Consent makes ConvoBoxes become ConsentBoxes.

ConsentPlace’s AI: Revolutionizing Brand-User Interactions.

Revolutionary Technology for an Optimal Brand-User Experience. Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) leverages cutting-edge technology to offer seamless, transparent interactions with users. By using this state-of-the-art technology, the system automatically retrieves and understands website data, along with customer-provided information, without human intervention. This data is transformed into structured knowledge that the AI uses to answer user… Continue reading ConsentPlace’s AI: Revolutionizing Brand-User Interactions.

Direct conversations via QR codes.

Imagine an Ad on TV, a magazine, a flyer in your mailbox about a new Electric Vehicle claiming to be the best… and a QR code to start a conversation by answering “How does BrandX compare to competition?” Flash the QR code above to start a direct conversation. The QR code gets you straight to… Continue reading Direct conversations via QR codes.

ConvoBox: Benefits for Users and Brands.

Let’s review the benefits of implementing ConvoBoxes: Benefits for Users:Experiences, Control, Influence. Benefits for Brands: Insights, Loyalty, Retention. In total transparency, here is our business deck: Click on the image below to run the presentation: Ethic, Lawful, Trustworthy: Got Questions?

ConsentPlace was at the Adetem Webinar!

A big thank you to Adetem, the First Marketing Network, for inviting ConsentPlace for its webinar on “Explicit Consent”, towards a new European order of sharing personal data? The video of this event, in its entirety, is available here (ConsentPlace starts at 36′): The presentation of ConsentPlace is here: Want to try the ConvoBox from… Continue reading ConsentPlace was at the Adetem Webinar!

Our Mission: Direct Brand-User Relationships.

Direct Relations via ConsentPlace. We have created ConsentPlace, the Consent MarketPlace with one mission: Provide Direct Relationships between Brands and Users made of Explicit Consents. We started with a solution where Users define their profiles, set their rewards and offer their Explicit Consents for a limited period of time, and Brands ask us for specific… Continue reading Our Mission: Direct Brand-User Relationships.

New: Continuous Brand-User Relationships with ConvoBoxes.

A couple of weeks ago, we introduced our new ConvoBoxes:NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations.We then opened a demo site, so everyone can test-drive them, we also showed how links, for example in emails, can open a ConvoBox conversation on a product page… Today, we’re introducing how ConvoBoxes bring Continuous Engagements between a Brand… Continue reading New: Continuous Brand-User Relationships with ConvoBoxes.

NEW: Start Direct Conversations with Brands via email.

2 weeks ago we introduced our ConvoBoxes to create Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations: NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations. Then last week, we shared our demo site to showcase our ConvoBoxes in action on an electric car maker, BrandX, here:NEW: ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: A demo site for BrandX. Today, we’re sharing how brands can engage… Continue reading NEW: Start Direct Conversations with Brands via email.