NEW: Start Direct Conversations with Brands via email.

2 weeks ago we introduced our ConvoBoxes to create Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations: NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations. Then last week, we shared our demo site to showcase our ConvoBoxes in action on an electric car maker, BrandX, here:NEW: ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: A demo site for BrandX. Today, we’re sharing how brands can engage… Continue reading NEW: Start Direct Conversations with Brands via email.

Gauge how your data are used on a website.

This illustration from Tom Fishburne is perfect to gauge how your data are used on the internet and what level of your consent is involved. Zero Party Data. Your Explicit Consent. You’re in control. In this first screen, you gave the brand selling gym shoes your explicit consent to use your data, for example via… Continue reading Gauge how your data are used on a website.

CustTech: Now, a customer relationship that is ethical, secure, and intimate between the brand and its clients/prospects

Did you like MarTechs (Marketing Technologies)? You’ll love CustTechs (Customer Technologies)! How technologies designed for customers and regulatory frameworks, such as GDPR and the Privacy Act, are giving control of the relationship back to brand and media users. Concerns about the use of personal data. Programmatic, 2nd Party Cookies, Data Collaboration, Privacy, Consent Management, 1st… Continue reading CustTech: Now, a customer relationship that is ethical, secure, and intimate between the brand and its clients/prospects

VivaTech and ConsentPlace.

by Luc Julia. VivaTech, an XXL show. Last month VivaTech 2024 saw over 165,000 visitors walking its aisles, looking for groundbreaking products and the latest tech trends presented by hundreds of heavyweight companies and 13,500 startups from 120 countries. The networking possibilities were endless. All the companies, large and small, had the chance to connect… Continue reading VivaTech and ConsentPlace.

Consentization Programs for Brands.

Why do brands need to recruit Explicit Consents in the US? ChatGPT’s answer (unedited):“In the US, brands need to recruit explicit consents for several compelling reasons, rooted in legal compliance, consumer trust, and operational effectiveness. Here’s a breakdown of these reasons: Legal Compliance Consumer Trust Operational Effectiveness Ethical Considerations Adaptation to Evolving Laws In summary,… Continue reading Consentization Programs for Brands.

A conversation with ChatGPT: Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology?

From time to time, we’ll ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversation with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? Me: [prompt]Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology? ChatGPT: [Cut and Paste. No edit]The concept of “customer technology”… Continue reading A conversation with ChatGPT: Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology?