Consentization Programs for Brands.

Why do brands need to recruit Explicit Consents in the US? ChatGPT’s answer (unedited):“In the US, brands need to recruit explicit consents for several compelling reasons, rooted in legal compliance, consumer trust, and operational effectiveness. Here’s a breakdown of these reasons: Legal Compliance Consumer Trust Operational Effectiveness Ethical Considerations Adaptation to Evolving Laws In summary,… Continue reading Consentization Programs for Brands.

A conversation with ChatGPT: As a business should I worry about sending emails to people without their explicit consent?

From time to time, we’ll ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? and Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology? Me: [prompt]As a business should I worry about sending emails to… Continue reading A conversation with ChatGPT: As a business should I worry about sending emails to people without their explicit consent?