More Consent makes ConvoBoxes become ConsentBoxes.

More AI means More Consent! Last week, we shared our AI: ConsentPlace’s AI: Revolutionizing Brand-User Interactions. Yes, we still keep on adding great new features on our AI to build direct, solid and trustworthy relationships between a Brand and its Users. But the more intimate the relation becomes, the more the Explicit Consent must expressed… Continue reading More Consent makes ConvoBoxes become ConsentBoxes.

How Brands create/maintain ConvoBoxes.

Simple as 1-2-3! For each ConvoBox, we share with the concerned Brand a document with 3 tabs: 1/ AI knowledge Here Brands define the ConvoBox knowledge perimeter by listing and maintaining the list of sources to train its AI. This list is made of domains, URLs, PDF, doc or txt files. Its refreshment is either… Continue reading How Brands create/maintain ConvoBoxes.

NEW: Start Direct Conversations with Brands via email.

2 weeks ago we introduced our ConvoBoxes to create Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations: NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations. Then last week, we shared our demo site to showcase our ConvoBoxes in action on an electric car maker, BrandX, here:NEW: ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: A demo site for BrandX. Today, we’re sharing how brands can engage… Continue reading NEW: Start Direct Conversations with Brands via email.

Coup de théâtre! Google maintains its 3rd Party Cookies AND its Privacy Sandbox.

Phasing out 3rd party cookies in Chrome: A promise from January 2020… Now gone! Remember this past week post: Gauge how your data are used on a website explaining cookies tricks to play with your consent in sharing your personal data and featuring this very efficient illustration from Tom Fishburne: Despite the fact Apple phased… Continue reading Coup de théâtre! Google maintains its 3rd Party Cookies AND its Privacy Sandbox.

Gauge how your data are used on a website.

This illustration from Tom Fishburne is perfect to gauge how your data are used on the internet and what level of your consent is involved. Zero Party Data. Your Explicit Consent. You’re in control. In this first screen, you gave the brand selling gym shoes your explicit consent to use your data, for example via… Continue reading Gauge how your data are used on a website.

Why ConsentPlace? For Ethic, Trusted, Direct brand-user relationships!

A new Brand-User relationship. Whether you are a Brand or a user, customer or prospect, we’ve created ConsentPlace to enhance your relationship to go beyond just a commercial relationship and rather build a strong, intimate connection. Ethic. No cookie tricks. As we wrote in “Where did my Consents go?“:81% are worried about the use of… Continue reading Why ConsentPlace? For Ethic, Trusted, Direct brand-user relationships!

Elections and privacy laws.

France and the United States are experiencing or will experience important elections. We asked ChatGPT to enlighten us on the possible consequences on personal data privacy laws: Prompt: “What could be the impact of a victory for the RN or the Popular Front on confidentiality laws in France?” ChatGPT (simple Copy-Paste. No modification by ConsentPlace):… Continue reading Elections and privacy laws.

Explicit Consents R Us!

Explicit Consents are Us! Why it matters?A direct, ethic, transparent user-brand relation. As a user: You define and control your Consent with your name and email, and your interests, to get what matters to you and set the reward you desire for a Brand to rent your data for 60 days. When a brand selects… Continue reading Explicit Consents R Us!