Wanted to know who ConsentPlace’s user are?
There you go:
Gender split:
In the US:
- Male: 85.29%
- Female: 14.71%
And even more Male in France:
- Male: 90.30%
- Female: 8.44%
- Other: 1.27%
Age groups:
Age Group | Percentage of Total |
<=25 | 10.94% |
26-35 | 16.25% |
36-45 | 17.81% |
46-55 | 35.63% |
56-65 | 16.56% |
>65 | 2.81% |
Where are they?
Top 3 departments in France:
- Seine (Paris, 75)
- Yvelines (78)
- Hauts de Seine (92)
Top 3 states in the US:
- California (LA and Silicon Valley)
- New York
- Connecticut
Top 5 Interests:
Pretty spread up with the total for the top 5 only making for 36.4%, but one big leader with Appareils électroniques / Electronic Devices – 13.14%.
- Appareils électroniques / Electronic Devices – 13.14%
- Véhicules et accessoires / Vehicles and Accessories – 6.65%
- Arts et loisirs / Arts and Leisure – 6.19%
- Médias / Media – 5.59%
- Vêtements et accessoires / Clothing and Accessories – 4.83%
Top 3 Social Apps:
Like for the Interests, it is pretty much spread as the Top3 only covers 24.21%
- LinkedIn – (9.86%)
- WhatsApp – (7.51%)
- YouTube – (7.04%)
Missed this one: Users Feedback?
At the end of the 60 days of your Explicit Consent, we send a form to collect your user feedback, here are some results: On the Brand: Experience with the Brand that contacted you: (Excellent = 5, Very poor = 1) Excellent: 4.6/5 Preference to be contacted: (By telephone, By email, By postal mail) 100%… Continue reading
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