More AI: Now indexing texts in images and generating pictures descriptions.

More AI, More Consent! Last week was about More Consent: We showed our new ConsentBox featuring an Always accessible, Always modifiable, Always your choice button to manage your Consent. This week is about More AI: Now, we index texts in images! On this demo page, a screenshot found on this Facebook page has been added. You can… Continue reading More AI: Now indexing texts in images and generating pictures descriptions.

ConsentPlace’s AI: Revolutionizing Brand-User Interactions.

Revolutionary Technology for an Optimal Brand-User Experience. Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) leverages cutting-edge technology to offer seamless, transparent interactions with users. By using this state-of-the-art technology, the system automatically retrieves and understands website data, along with customer-provided information, without human intervention. This data is transformed into structured knowledge that the AI uses to answer user… Continue reading ConsentPlace’s AI: Revolutionizing Brand-User Interactions.

How Brands create/maintain ConvoBoxes.

Simple as 1-2-3! For each ConvoBox, we share with the concerned Brand a document with 3 tabs: 1/ AI knowledge Here Brands define the ConvoBox knowledge perimeter by listing and maintaining the list of sources to train its AI. This list is made of domains, URLs, PDF, doc or txt files. Its refreshment is either… Continue reading How Brands create/maintain ConvoBoxes.

New demo: ConvoBoxes on Loyalty pages.

ConvoBoxes on Loyalty Pages: After the first demo on a Product page, where users can ask any questions about the page itself, the brand and/or the industry, we’ve been asked for ConvoBoxes on Loyalty pages. The goal here is to teach the AI all the benefits of becoming an Ambassador of the brand while only… Continue reading New demo: ConvoBoxes on Loyalty pages.

Direct conversations via QR codes.

Imagine an Ad on TV, a magazine, a flyer in your mailbox about a new Electric Vehicle claiming to be the best… and a QR code to start a conversation by answering “How does BrandX compare to competition?” Flash the QR code above to start a direct conversation. The QR code gets you straight to… Continue reading Direct conversations via QR codes.

ConvoBox: Benefits for Users and Brands.

Let’s review the benefits of implementing ConvoBoxes: Benefits for Users:Experiences, Control, Influence. Benefits for Brands: Insights, Loyalty, Retention. In total transparency, here is our business deck: Click on the image below to run the presentation: Ethic, Lawful, Trustworthy: Got Questions?

ConsentPlace was at the Adetem Webinar!

A big thank you to Adetem, the First Marketing Network, for inviting ConsentPlace for its webinar on “Explicit Consent”, towards a new European order of sharing personal data? The video of this event, in its entirety, is available here (ConsentPlace starts at 36′): The presentation of ConsentPlace is here: Want to try the ConvoBox from… Continue reading ConsentPlace was at the Adetem Webinar!

Our Mission: Direct Brand-User Relationships.

Direct Relations via ConsentPlace. We have created ConsentPlace, the Consent MarketPlace with one mission: Provide Direct Relationships between Brands and Users made of Explicit Consents. We started with a solution where Users define their profiles, set their rewards and offer their Explicit Consents for a limited period of time, and Brands ask us for specific… Continue reading Our Mission: Direct Brand-User Relationships.

NEW: Start Direct Conversations with Brands via email.

2 weeks ago we introduced our ConvoBoxes to create Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations: NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations. Then last week, we shared our demo site to showcase our ConvoBoxes in action on an electric car maker, BrandX, here:NEW: ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: A demo site for BrandX. Today, we’re sharing how brands can engage… Continue reading NEW: Start Direct Conversations with Brands via email.

NEW: ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: A demo site for BrandX.

NEW: A demo site to see a ConvoBox in action for an Electric Car Brand. Following our announcement of our ConvoBoxes (Conversation Boxes) where Brands can embed conversation and explicit consent boxes, let’s discover a demo site for the BrandX, an electric car company (BrandX and this demo site are solely for demo purposes): Visit… Continue reading NEW: ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: A demo site for BrandX.