ConvoBox: Benefits for Users and Brands.

Let’s review the benefits of implementing ConvoBoxes: Benefits for Users:Experiences, Control, Influence. Benefits for Brands: Insights, Loyalty, Retention. In total transparency, here is our business deck: Click on the image below to run the presentation: Ethic, Lawful, Trustworthy: Got Questions?

ConsentPlace was at the Adetem Webinar!

A big thank you to Adetem, the First Marketing Network, for inviting ConsentPlace for its webinar on “Explicit Consent”, towards a new European order of sharing personal data? The video of this event, in its entirety, is available here (ConsentPlace starts at 36′): The presentation of ConsentPlace is here: Want to try the ConvoBox from… Continue reading ConsentPlace was at the Adetem Webinar!

Our Mission: Direct Brand-User Relationships.

Direct Relations via ConsentPlace. We have created ConsentPlace, the Consent MarketPlace with one mission: Provide Direct Relationships between Brands and Users made of Explicit Consents. We started with a solution where Users define their profiles, set their rewards and offer their Explicit Consents for a limited period of time, and Brands ask us for specific… Continue reading Our Mission: Direct Brand-User Relationships.

New: Continuous Brand-User Relationships with ConvoBoxes.

A couple of weeks ago, we introduced our new ConvoBoxes:NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations.We then opened a demo site, so everyone can test-drive them, we also showed how links, for example in emails, can open a ConvoBox conversation on a product page… Today, we’re introducing how ConvoBoxes bring Continuous Engagements between a Brand… Continue reading New: Continuous Brand-User Relationships with ConvoBoxes.

NEW: Start Direct Conversations with Brands via email.

2 weeks ago we introduced our ConvoBoxes to create Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations: NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations. Then last week, we shared our demo site to showcase our ConvoBoxes in action on an electric car maker, BrandX, here:NEW: ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: A demo site for BrandX. Today, we’re sharing how brands can engage… Continue reading NEW: Start Direct Conversations with Brands via email.

NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations.

Introducing the new ConsentPlace ConvoBoxesfor in-site, direct Brand-User AI-powered conversations! In the example below the brand is ConsentPlace, and the ConvoBox (Conversation Box) is embedded in this post (WordPress powered). Try it, Ask questions, Create an account! Engaging in a conversation, engaging in a direct relationship brand-user. This ConvoBox can be embedded anywhere, like before… Continue reading NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations.