Simple as 1-2-3! For each ConvoBox, we share with the concerned Brand a document with 3 tabs: 1/ AI knowledge Here Brands define the ConvoBox knowledge perimeter by listing and maintaining the list of sources to train its AI. This list is made of domains, URLs, PDF, doc or txt files. Its refreshment is either… Continue reading How Brands create/maintain ConvoBoxes.
Tag: ConvoBoxes
New demo: ConvoBoxes on Loyalty pages.
ConvoBoxes on Loyalty Pages: After the first demo on a Product page, where users can ask any questions about the page itself, the brand and/or the industry, we’ve been asked for ConvoBoxes on Loyalty pages. The goal here is to teach the AI all the benefits of becoming an Ambassador of the brand while only… Continue reading New demo: ConvoBoxes on Loyalty pages.
Direct conversations via QR codes.
Imagine an Ad on TV, a magazine, a flyer in your mailbox about a new Electric Vehicle claiming to be the best… and a QR code to start a conversation by answering “How does BrandX compare to competition?” Flash the QR code above to start a direct conversation. The QR code gets you straight to… Continue reading Direct conversations via QR codes.
ConvoBox: Benefits for Users and Brands.
Let’s review the benefits of implementing ConvoBoxes: Benefits for Users:Experiences, Control, Influence. Benefits for Brands: Insights, Loyalty, Retention. In total transparency, here is our business deck: Click on the image below to run the presentation: Ethic, Lawful, Trustworthy: Got Questions?
New: Continuous Brand-User Relationships with ConvoBoxes.
A couple of weeks ago, we introduced our new ConvoBoxes:NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations.We then opened a demo site, so everyone can test-drive them, we also showed how links, for example in emails, can open a ConvoBox conversation on a product page… Today, we’re introducing how ConvoBoxes bring Continuous Engagements between a Brand… Continue reading New: Continuous Brand-User Relationships with ConvoBoxes.
NEW: ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: A demo site for BrandX.
NEW: A demo site to see a ConvoBox in action for an Electric Car Brand. Following our announcement of our ConvoBoxes (Conversation Boxes) where Brands can embed conversation and explicit consent boxes, let’s discover a demo site for the BrandX, an electric car company (BrandX and this demo site are solely for demo purposes): Visit… Continue reading NEW: ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: A demo site for BrandX.