NEW: A demo site to see a ConvoBox in action for an Electric Car Brand.
Following our announcement of our ConvoBoxes (Conversation Boxes) where Brands can embed conversation and explicit consent boxes, let’s discover a demo site for the BrandX, an electric car company (BrandX and this demo site are solely for demo purposes):
Visit the demo site here:
Ai dedicated to a brand and its industry:
BrandX is an Electric Car Company with a differentiation in its performance and its autonomy as explained on the web page as the embedded ConvoBox was trained.
Here for a question on “What makes BrandX unique?” or “is the autonomy really exceptional vs the competition?”
Try it by yourself:
Here’s the BrandX ConvoBox embedded in this post. Click on “I have a question” and ask any question as if you were on the market for an electric car:
Your Explicit Consent to share Your data directly with BrandX!
Your choice!
When you are ready, create your account and explicitly consent to share your data with BrandX for a limited period of time.
ConvoBoxes = Brand dedicated Questions and AI-powered knowledge bases + custom Explicit Consent recruitments.
Ready? Tell us: