2 weeks ago we introduced our ConvoBoxes to create Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations:
NEW! ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: Direct Brand-User AI-Powered Conversations.
Then last week, we shared our demo site to showcase our ConvoBoxes in action on an electric car maker, BrandX, here:
NEW: ConsentPlace ConvoBoxes: A demo site for BrandX.
Today, we’re sharing how brands can engage with users/prospects direct conversations and build explicit consent based relationships.
Spoiler: it’s super simple…
1/ Send an email to engage a direct conversation featuring links about questions and inviting to ask any others

2/ Questions will be answered in a ConvoBox where users can ask for more details or other questions
Here’s the page with the embedded ConvoBox…

Try it out, click on the links below:
Why is BrandX autonomy so important?
How does BrandX compare to competition?
Ask any question!
3/ Shall you want to, you can create an account to give your Explicit Consent to BrandX, for a limited period of time, to enjoy a direct, trusted and ethic relationship brand-user.

ConvoBox: Direct Conversation, AI-Powered, Brand-User.
Got questions? Let us know!