by Luc Julia. VivaTech, an XXL show. Last month VivaTech 2024 saw over 165,000 visitors walking its aisles, looking for groundbreaking products and the latest tech trends presented by hundreds of heavyweight companies and 13,500 startups from 120 countries. The networking possibilities were endless. All the companies, large and small, had the chance to connect… Continue reading VivaTech and ConsentPlace.
Tag: explicit consent
The Importance of Explicit Consent: Building Strong Relationships in an Ethical World.
In a world where data and personal information have become valuable assets, customer consent has become one of the fundamental pillars of any ethical business relationship. Respecting customer consent is much more than just a legal formality; it is a commitment to transparency, respect, and mutual trust. In this blog post, we will explore the… Continue reading The Importance of Explicit Consent: Building Strong Relationships in an Ethical World.
ConsentPlace CoPilot.
Did you try ConsentPlace CoPilot? ConsentPlace CoPilot (requires ChatGPT v4) is here! It’s made of all content on and .fr plus relevant related contents on explicit consent. Feel free to ask any questions, even in another language, like here for an answer in Spanish for “what is ConsentPlace and is it safe for me… Continue reading ConsentPlace CoPilot.
ConsentPlace: The Medici Effect.
An Innovation Intersection Recipe. “The Medici Effect” is a book by Frans Johansson that explores how innovation occurs at the intersection of diverse disciplines and cultures. The title references the Medici family, who fostered an artistic and scientific community in Renaissance Florence, creating a hotspot for creativity and innovation. The Intersection: How and why groundbreaking… Continue reading ConsentPlace: The Medici Effect.
Who are ConsentPlace’s users.
Wanted to know who ConsentPlace’s user are? There you go: Gender split: In the US: And even more Male in France: Age groups: Age Group Percentage of Total <=25 10.94% 26-35 16.25% 36-45 17.81% 46-55 35.63% 56-65 16.56% >65 2.81% Where are they? Top 3 departments in France: Top 3 states in the US: Top… Continue reading Who are ConsentPlace’s users.
Evolution of the need for Explicit Consent in the USA
Evolution over the past 12 months in the USA Over the past 12 months in the USA, the need for explicit consent in data protection has been significantly influenced by the enactment and updates of state-specific privacy laws, reflecting a growing emphasis on consumer rights and corporate responsibilities. Several states have taken notable steps to… Continue reading Evolution of the need for Explicit Consent in the USA
ConsentPlace: Top 3 Posts for Users and Brands.
Looking for a quick summary of the Top 3 Posts for Users and Brands to use ConsentPlace? Here they are: For Users: Post #1. The First Consent Marketplace. Summary: This post discusses the vital need for explicit internet consent, revealing: This approach addresses consent issues by empowering users and providing a transparent exchange mechanism for… Continue reading ConsentPlace: Top 3 Posts for Users and Brands.
Explicit Consents: The New Opportunity for Drive-to-Store!
By Jean-Pierre Levieux, Go-to-Market, France Explicit Consent for Personal Data Sharing: A New Opportunity for Drive-to-Store? If personal data has become a virtual currency, the consent to share this data for explicit purposes takes on crucial importance. What if, instead of consenting to be tracked in exchange for simple content access, your consent was rewarded… Continue reading Explicit Consents: The New Opportunity for Drive-to-Store!
Why ConsentPlace matters for Brands.
Explicit Consent is the best practice. Now. Laws and regulations regarding data protection and privacy, such as the GDPR in the European Union, the CCPA in California, and others around the world, often require explicit consent for certain types of data processing activities, including marketing. Adhering to these requirements can help avoid significant fines and… Continue reading Why ConsentPlace matters for Brands.
Convert the Value of Your Personal Data into Charitable Acts.
ConsentPlace adds value to your personal data, Charitips turns them into charitable donations! We announced it on February 23rd via this press release: “A New Era for Digital Consent ConsentPlace, known for its commitment to protecting user privacy while providing complete transparency on how their data is used, takes a step further by enabling users… Continue reading Convert the Value of Your Personal Data into Charitable Acts.