More AI means More Consent!
Last week, we shared our AI: ConsentPlace’s AI: Revolutionizing Brand-User Interactions.
Yes, we still keep on adding great new features on our AI to build direct, solid and trustworthy relationships between a Brand and its Users. But the more intimate the relation becomes, the more the Explicit Consent must expressed and easy to manage.
In other words, ConsentPlace believes more AI means more Consent.
Always accessible,
Always modifiable,
Always your choice.
Once an account exists for the User, meaning once you share personal information with us, the My Consent button appears and will remain visible at all times.
In this example, once the onboarding is finished, the button appears.
A click on it will expose the Personal information the User entered and his Consent to share those.
A simple toggle to Consent. Or not.
Simple as that. No tricks, no gazillions of partners, no hidden way to change your mind. At all time, you can consent on or off.
Personal Informations shared are in this box.
A simple click to extend the duration of Consent.
As we all know, Consent cannot be forever. So, by default, the Brand decides of the period of time the Consent is active, here 180 days from sign up. To extend, simply click on that button to add 180 more days. Easy and Transparent.
Got Questions? Want to test drive the new ConsentBoxes?