The First Consent Marketplace.

The Problem:
Internet needs Consent.

Internet needs Advertising
Advertising needs Context
Context needs to respect Consent. 
Bottom line: Internet needs (Explicit) Consent!

What People say about Consent:

  • 81% feels little control over data collected
  • 83% willing to share if transparency on usage
  • 71% consumers willing to share if compensation
  • 94% marketing execs agree data collection should be compensated.


The Solution:
Own and Monetize Your Consent.

  1. Own and Control Your Customer Consent
    by defining your Interests
  2. Set Your Price
    for Brands/Ad Agencies to use your consent
  3. Earn Real Money 
    and Get what matters to You

The Value:
Traditional Cost per Lead

Average Cost per Lead is $198… and with Explicit Consent?

The Model:
A Consent Marketplace.

  • Users offer Consent based on Interests 
  • Brands/Ads buy targeted Users with Consent.
    All secured by Smart Contracts. 
  • ConsentPlace charges Buyers a fee for 60 days use.
    No fee, no charge for users.

Everybody wins.

  • Users control their Consent, get Ads of interest and are compensated with real Money.
  • Brands/Agencies keep Brands safe by addressing prospects/users with Express Consent.
  • Sales forces get Leads with Consent.

The Process:
On the User side:

  • Create, Edit, Update Profile:
    Contact infos, Interests via taxonomy/keywords. 
  • Decide how much.
  • Trigger money withdrawals. Access transactions history.
(for illustration)

On the Buyer side:

  • Query profiles.
  • Accept and Pay bids.
  • Get Profiles.
(for illustration)

The Team:

Freddy Mini
Co-founder & CEO

Serial Entrepreneur. Netvibes (sold to Dassault Systemes). TrustedOut (sold to DemandScience).


Luc Julia
Co-founder & CTO

Chief Scientist Officer, Renault. WW Chief Technology Officer, Samsung. Siri, co-author, Apple.


Gregory Renard
Co-founder & CPO

Head of Applied AI, Former ‘French President National AI Strategy’ Advisor, Frontier Dev. Lab AI Tech Comm.  NASA.AI


Jeremy Meissner
Co-founder & Lead Dev

Chief Technology Officer, Tidaka. Full Stack Developer Norsia, CFPTI, HEPIA, 42 Lausanne.


Jean-Pierre Levieux
Go-To-Market, France

Intrapreneur – Digital veteran, privacy evangelist, Former exec Microsoft-MSN, IAB, Mode Media, Mediacom


ConsentPlace user?

Buyer on ConsentPlace ? Contact us !

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