Our “Consentization” Program for Brands and Agencies.

Is it a good idea to convert your prospect database? We asked ChatGPT: “In the US, Is converting your prospect database to Explicit Consent a good idea?” (try this prompt) Here is the unedited answer: Converting your prospect database to explicit consent in the United States is generally a good idea, especially considering the increasing… Continue reading Our “Consentization” Program for Brands and Agencies.

ChatGPT : « “Will 2024 be the year of ConsentPlace?”

But first, we’ve got a message for you: Now, from time to time, we ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? and Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology? Me: [prompt]“Will 2024 be… Continue reading ChatGPT : « “Will 2024 be the year of ConsentPlace?”

ChatGPT: Are Private Blockchains important to our users?

From time to time, we ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? and Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology? Me: [prompt]“Is the use of private blockchain at ConsentPlace important for users?” ChatGPT:… Continue reading ChatGPT: Are Private Blockchains important to our users?

ChatGPT: “Will Explicit Consent become a worldwide best practice for marketers?”

From time to time, we ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? and Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology? Me: [prompt]“Will explicit consent become a worldwide best practice for marketers?” ChatGPT: [non… Continue reading ChatGPT: “Will Explicit Consent become a worldwide best practice for marketers?”

Why Customer Consent Matters: The Importance of Respecting Privacy Rights

As individuals, we all have the right to privacy and control over our personal information. In today’s digital age, where companies collect vast amounts of data, it’s more important than ever to ensure that customer consent is obtained before using personal information. Here are some reasons why customer consent matters: Legality. Obtaining customer consent is… Continue reading Why Customer Consent Matters: The Importance of Respecting Privacy Rights

ChatGPT: ”Tell me about ConsentPlace’s approach to customer consent?”

From time to time, we ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? and Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology? Me: [prompt]“Tell me about ConsentPlace’s approach to customer consent?“ ChatGPT: [unedited. yes, unedited!]… Continue reading ChatGPT: ”Tell me about ConsentPlace’s approach to customer consent?”

ChatGPT: “Where is the best ROI between implicit and explicit marketing consent?”

From time to time, we ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? and Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology? Me: [prompt]“Where is the best ROI between implicit and explicit marketing consent?” ChatGPT:… Continue reading ChatGPT: “Where is the best ROI between implicit and explicit marketing consent?”

Choosing Stripe as the Payment Platform: A Strategic Decision for ConsentPlace

By Jeremy Meissner, Lead Dev. At ConsentPlace, selecting a payment system was a crucial step, and we sought a platform that was not just secure and scalable, but also aligned with our principles. Ultimately, Stripe emerged as our preferred choice. Here’s a look into why Stripe resonated with us, exemplifying our commitment to innovation, security,… Continue reading Choosing Stripe as the Payment Platform: A Strategic Decision for ConsentPlace

ChatGPT prompt: Why is ConsentPlace often referred to as “the Airbnb of consent”?

From time to time, we’ll ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology?As a business should I worry about sending emails to people without their explicit… Continue reading ChatGPT prompt: Why is ConsentPlace often referred to as “the Airbnb of consent”?

A conversation with ChatGPT: As a business should I worry about sending emails to people without their explicit consent?

From time to time, we’ll ask ChatGPT questions sharing the prompt we used so you can replicate/verify what we post.Previous conversations with ChatGPT: Is customer consent more important today than ever? and Is it the end of Marketing Technology and the beginning of Customer Technology? Me: [prompt]As a business should I worry about sending emails to… Continue reading A conversation with ChatGPT: As a business should I worry about sending emails to people without their explicit consent?